HyperVote Vs HyperVote Pro

social media automation comparison

About a year ago, we launched one of the most powerful social media automation tools on the market – HyperVote.

Unlike a lot of Instagram bots out there, it targets Instagram stories and engages in a more personal way that was far superior to previous auto-like, auto-follow software.

About a month ago, we unleashed its big brother – HyperVote Pro – because we wanted to have a more complete tool that was faster, more effective and had more features than its predecessor.

Both are amazing tools that will get you great results growing your Instagram followers, but if you are really serious about getting more followers, HyperVote Pro is the way to go.

We have been getting a lot of requests from old and new customers who are curious about the differences between each module, so we are here to give the people what they want.

If you haven’t tried HVP yet, check out this quick video that shows its full potential.


Part 1 – Targeting

Targeting is the foundation upon which the entire automation process is based.
The bot needs targets so that it can start spinning through Instagram accounts to see if they can be used to engage with.

HyperVote Targets

HyperVote has a fairly robust 2-part targeting system:

  • People Follower – Engage the followers of your specified targets
  • People’s Post Liker – Engage the people who liked your targets’ posts

It means you can pull in accounts that are directly engaged with your targets from two fronts, giving you a pretty good scope of people who will want to engage with you.
instagram bots targeting

HyperVote Pro Targets

HyperVote Pro takes targeting to the next level, and is able to target 4 areas within Instagram:

  • Hashtags – Engage with accounts that have used a certain hashtag
  • Places – Engage with accounts that have tagged a certain location
  • People – Engage with the followers of your target accounts
  • Explore – Engage with accounts on your own personal explore page

This multi-targeting approach is what makes HVP much better at finding accounts, and it will circulate between each targeting method to give you well-rounded engagement.

The better your targets, the better your results will be; check out this post so you can find good targets.

Engagement Rate Calculator

While we are on the subject of targeting, HVP also comes with an engagement rate tool that is built into the search bar.

When you search for an account by name, the first suggestion in the search list will have the account’s engagement score next to it, as well as an indication of whether or not it is a good target.

An engagement rate tool lets you see how much engagement you are getting on any account, and it makes sense to target accounts that are getting lots of attention from users.

Part 2 – Reactions

Once Hyper has some good targets to use, it then starts looking for Instagram accounts that have stories it can engage with.

Each module currently has various reaction modes, and they are almost the same except for one major difference – HVP can react with custom answers to questions in Instagram stories.

HyperVote Reactions

The classic version of HyperVote uses these functions for its reactions:

  • Poll Votes – Votes on Polls with a random entry
  • Story Countdown – Follows the user’s countdown
  • Slider Points – Votes on a user’s slider on their story
  • Quiz Answers – Votes randomly on a user’s quiz
  • Mass Story View – Views a large selection of stories

Instagram automation reactions

HyperVote Pro Reactions

HVP uses similar functions, but with the addition of the Answer function:

  • Poll Votes – Votes on Polls with a random entry
  • Poll Sliders – Votes on a user’s slider on their story
  • Quiz – Votes randomly on a user’s quiz
  • Countdowns – Follows the user’s countdown
  • Answers – Replies to questions with your own answers
  • Mass Viewing – Views stories

The Trade Off

he trade off here is whether you want Mass Story Viewing or Answers to Instagram Questions.

Mass Story Viewing gets your account in front of a lot of users, but not every user will check the people who viewed their story.

Answers to Questions are a great way to make the automation process a bit more personal, and even though you don’t have full control of what answer goes to which question, this function has proven to be one of the more effective services on Hyper.

Part 3 – Filtering

Filtering enables the user to make sure that Hyper is working in a way that you want it to.

On the face of it, HyperVote Pro does not seem to have as many filtering options to choose from, however there is a very good reason for this.

HVP has several filters built into the automation process, and they have been tweaked according to user feedback so that the bot can get the most effective results.

HyperVote Filtering

Classic HyperVote is able to filter targets with 4 options:

  • Single Story – Bot will only vote on one story per profile
  • Ignore Requested – Bot will not vote on profiles that you have requested to follow
  • Ignore Followed – Bot will not vote on profiles you follow
  • Ignore Followers – Bot will not vote on your followers profiles

HyperVote Pro Filtering

HVP actually uses all of the above filtering options automatically when it looks for stories.

This automatic process allows HVP to scan through potential targets quickly, and stops you from over-engaging with the wrong people.

We wanted to use auto filtering on HVP to keep the module as simple and straightforward as possible, and to make sure our users are protected at all times.

Part 4 – Additional Functions

From here on out, the functions of both HyperVote and HVP are pretty much the same:

  • They both have a daily pause function so you can pause your activities
  • They both have the same Activity Log
  • They both have the same Stats page

However we have recently added an extra function to HVP.

HVP Auto Like

Our new Auto-Like function lets you add the ability of liking posts as you go through accounts.

This was added at the request of our users, who still want to have the value of standard auto-like type automation.

Auto-Like has speed control and other settings to avoid you getting a block on your account.

Remember that there are limits as to how many times you can do certain actions on Instagram, so use this feature sensibly.

HVP Telegram Notifications

This is an extra service that is only available for HVP. It uses Telegram to send notifications about the bots activity to users.

Once you have linked up with the HVP Telegram service, you can receive notifications at regular intervals so you can track what the automation service is doing.

You can also enable error reports so you can see if any targets are not working.

This is great for people who are serious about keeping the service productive and getting the most out of their automation.
automation feedback

HVP Speed

When HVP was being developed, we made sure that there was a big emphasis on the speed of the service.

HVP is optimised for speed, and will always try to run at the best speed possible. It can analyse millions of accounts in a single session, and interact with tens of thousands of them.

This comes hand in hand with the multiple targeting system that is built into HVP, which allows it to search through a wide variety of accounts.

What this means is that HVP is much faster than standard HyperVote at both looking for targets and engaging with them.


So which one do you need?

We know that anyone who tries HVP is going to love it. The advanced targeting and ease of use makes it one of the best tools for automated engagement.

Standard HyperVote is still a great service, however with the lack of multi-channel targeting and personalised responses to questions, it has now become inferior to its big brother HVP.

HVP lets you take your automation to the next level, with faster speeds, better targeting and built in functions that allow you engage in a whole new way.

Change Package

Already on our Mini plan and want to upgrade to HyperVote Pro?

hypervote pro

You can do so directly from the dashboard by clicking the button at the top right.

Alternatively, you can click this link to be redirected to our change plans page.