How To Fix Instagram Showing Only A Blank White Screen?


Instagram accounts have faced another bug which is showing a blank or white screen when they open the Instagram app or when they try to log into their account.

This bug wasn’t a serious problem at first, however, the volume of accounts which faced the problem has increased.

Instagram users have reported that when they open Instagram and log in, they see a blank white screen instead of seeing the normal Instagram feed.

blank screen instagram

How to fix the blank white screen issue on Instagram?

Some Instagram users have reported that they can fix the blank white screen page by logging into Instagram on desktop and then log in with their mobile device to the Instagram account.

However, this does not guarantee that you will fix the blank white screen issue.

If this doesn’t work then you should change your Instagram account’s password on the using the desktop.

Once you have done this then try to log in your account with your mobile phone and you will see if the blank white screen issue has been resolved.

Changing your Instagram password will logout your Instagram account from all other devices and allows you to log in your account through the app on your phone.

Other methods for fixing the blank white screen

If none of the above methods have fixed the blank screen issue then try resolving this with the below methods:

  • Use Airplane mode
  • Update the Instagram app
  • Check your internet connection
  • Clear temporary files and cache
  • Restart your mobile device
  • Close the Instagram app
  • Uninstall and reinstall Instagram