How To Find New Instagram Accounts To Target


If you are still searching on Instagram for new accounts to target for IBF or HyperVote, this guide is going to absolutely blow your mind!

Using a few basic Google functionalities and a clever SERP extraction tool, we can dump hundreds of high-follower accounts into the targeting settings.

The best bit is that it is incredibly easy to do and will literally take you 5 minutes if that!

Why Are New Accounts Important?

If you have been using our service for a while, you might have noticed that your new followers were flying in at the start, but after a few months, this began to slow down.

This is most likely because you are still using the same targeting list that you started with, and you have now begun to exhaust this list.

By updating your targets list and keeping the list fresh, you keep the bot engaging with new accounts, and you maximise its performance.

If you refresh this list every month, you are giving the bot brand new accounts to engage with every month, and your new followers will just keep on coming!

How To Find Instagram Accounts

Ok, let’s get started!

Step 1

  • First up, go to Google and make a random search so that you can access Search Settings.
  • Under the search bar on the right-hand side go Settings > Search Settings.

instagram followers

  • Under Results per page, slide it all the way to 100.

instagram targets

  • Scroll to the bottom and hit Save.

Step 2

  • Next step is to bookmark our SERP Extraction Tool.
  • Go to Bookmarks on your browser and create a new bookmark.


instagram account search

  • Copy and paste the URL below, and name the bookmark (we used SERP Extraction Tool).
javascript:(function(){output='<html><head><title>SERP Extraction Tool</title><style type=\'text/css\'>body,table{font-family:Tahoma,Verdana,Segoe,sans-serif;font-size:11px;color:#000}h1,h2,th{color:#405850}th{text-align:left}h2{font-size:11px;margin-bottom:3px}</style></head><body>'; output+='<table><tbody><tr><td></td><td><h1>SERP Extraction Tool</h1></td></tr></tbody></table>'; pageAnchors=document.getElementsByTagName('a'); divClasses=document.getElementsByTagName('div'); var linkcount=0;var linkLocation=''; var linkAnchorText=''; output+='<table><th>ID</th><th>Link</th><th>Anchor</th>'; for(i=0;i<pageAnchors.length;i++){ if(pageAnchors[i].parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute('class')!='iUh30'){ var anchorText = pageAnchors[i].textContent; var anchorLink = pageAnchors[i].href; var linkAnchor = anchorLink + '\t'+anchorText; var anchorID = pageAnchors[i].id; if(anchorLink!=''){ if(anchorLink.match(/^((?!google\.|cache||\.yahoo\.|youtube\.com\/\?gl=|youtube\.com\/results|javascript:|api\.technorati\.com|botw\.org\/search|del\.icio\.us\/url\/check|digg\.com\/search|search\.twitter\.com\/search|search\.yahoo\.com\/search|siteanalytics\.compete\.com|tools\.seobook\.com\/general\/keyword\/suggestions|web\.archive\.org\/web\/|whois\.domaintools\.com|www\.alexa\.com\/data\/details\/main|www\.bloglines\.com\/search|www\.majesticseo\.com\/search\.php|www\.semrush\.com\/info\/|www\.semrush\.com\/search\.php|www\.stumbleupon\.com\/url|\/wiki\/Special:Search).)*$/i)){ if(anchorID.match(/^((?!hdtb_more|hdtb_tls|uh_hl).)*$/i)){ linkLocation+=anchorLink+'<br />'; linkAnchorText+=anchorText+'<br />'; linkcount++; if (anchorText === undefined) anchorText = pageAnchors[i].innerText;output+='<tr>'; output+='<td>'+linkcount+'</td>'; output+='<td>'+pageAnchors[i].href+'</a></td>'; output+='<td>'+anchorText+'</td>'; output+='</tr>\n'; } } } } } output+='</table><br/><h2>URL List</h2><div>'; output+=linkLocation;output+='</div><br/><div>'; with({document.write(output);document.close();}})();
  • Save the bookmark – it should now appear in your Bookmarks.

instagram google bookmarksStep 3

  • Now go back to Google and enter the following search phrase:
    • Keyword follow posts @ k
  • Replace keyword with your target keyword for your Instagram Niche, for example:
    • Fitness | Fashion | Food | Music | Travel | Animals | Business
  • Stay on the Google search page and click on your Bookmarked SERP Extraction Tool


google serp instagram accounts

  • If you did everything right you should now have a list of accounts by URL.

serp tool results

Step 4

  • Scroll down and copy all the URLs.

serp instagram accounts

  • Go to Hyper’s targeting settings and click on Targets List.

hyper instagram settings


  • Paste in the URLs, it might take a few minutes.
  • When they all appear, scroll to the bottom and hit Save.


Closing Thoughts

That’s really all there is to it!

Once you have the SERP Extraction Tool saved in your Bookmarks, it is easy to perform a quick search every month and dump the results into Hyper’s targeting settings.

This keeps your targets fresh and Hyper working at maximum effectiveness.

You can change up the keywords so that you are getting slightly different results each time, and you can also navigate to the second set of 100 results if you wish.

For a complete how-to of how to fully optimise your social media automation, check out this post.