The Best Time To Post On Instagram 2021: Daily Cheat Sheet

what is the best time to post on Instagram

When it comes to Instagram, the time of publishing a post may impact how many interactions that post receives and how much attention your account profile generates. And timing is the significant element that contributes to the effectiveness of your Instagram post. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss what is the best time to post on Instagram. So, keep an eye out!

Posting at certain times during the day or weekends may also significantly benefit Instagram visibility and will get you more followers. According to studies, scheduled Instagram posts may assist in increasing the number of your Instagram friends and the number of interactions you get. So, utilizing an Instagram post scheduler has a significant advantage since you can create posts ahead of time, and you can leave them operating with little control since they will publish at specified times without having to be altered. This will provide you extra time to spend on other interests.

What Is The Best Time To Post On Instagram?

Every Instagram user is frustrated by the topic of what is the best time to post on Instagram? Various surveys have shown that there are particular dates that are much better than others for posting. As recommended, you must often publish since it will encourage interaction with your followers and keep you in their newsfeed. To know the answer to the question, “What is the best time to post on Instagram? Stay tuned!

  •  Monday

Posting hours are from (6 a.m, 12 p.m, – 10 p.m.).Monday represents the beginning of the workday and has a more fragmented period. The activity rises in three different sections, mainly in the morning hours when individuals who travel by public transit have the opportunity to check social media platforms. And during lunchtime and late evening, everybody wishes to relax.

  • Tuesday

what is the best time to post on Instagram

Publishing hours range from morning to evening (6 a.m. to  6 p.m.). Tuesday’s bustle is more equally distributed during the day, practically spanning the hours of work and the time required to travel to/from the workplace.

  •  Wednesday

Updating periods are in the mid hours of the morning and late at night (8 a.m. to 11 p.m.). The midst of the workdays are more than a challenge for the ordinary worker; it may also be problematic in increasing interaction on Instagram. 

  • Thursday

Posting times are in the early morning, noon, and night (7 a.m, 12 p.m, and 7 p.m.). Thursday follows the same as Monday and Tuesday. And as the weekend approaches, there is a desire to pick up an individual’s phone and check their social media accounts.  

  • Friday

Uploading schedules are in the morning hours and early evening (9 a.m, 4 p.m, and 7 p.m.). Everybody wishes to leave work earlier on Friday, yet they also like to browse their social media accounts. Friday shows a surge in Instagram between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. when everyone gets off to work.

  • Saturday

Posting times are in the late morning and nighttime (11 a.m. and 7 to 8 p.m.). Due to a strong desire to stay in bed for individuals who only have Saturday and Sunday to fill up on sleeping, it’s no wonder that Instagram engagement begins in the late morning hours. Saturday evening is also a great time to go streaming since live videos are a terrific source of fun for those still awake at night, mainly after 9 p.m.

  • Sunday

Publishing hours range from the morning to the afternoon (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.). For many people, Sunday is something to relax and mingle with family and friends. Sunday seems to increase user interaction, either if it is postings, comments, or shares. Traffic often increases about midday and begins to wane at night as individuals try to prepare for the following weekdays routine.


Since that, you’ve gained a rudimentary knowledge of what is the best time to post on Instagram. It’s time to put these things to work for you. And  If you don’t have enough time to scrutinize your IG account, look at trends, and figure out what is the best time to post on Instagram. You may utilize Instagram’s scheduling tools to remove uncertainty and offer you the best time to post on Instagram.