What do I do if Instagram has temporarily disabled all of my actions?


You may have experienced a temporary block message from Instagram,however, there is nothing to worry about.

This does not mean that your account can’t be used anymore or that it will be locked forever.

Read our most common questions about the temporary block in order to find out how to remove it and to protect your Instagram account from getting flagged.

Why is my account getting temporarily blocked by Instagram?

With the new Instagram automation restriction your account may get temporarily blocked by Instagram due to performing any action at a high speed.

Instagram has changed their policies in order to reduce the amount of spam on their network.

Even though Instagram sometimes do change their policies – we are monitoring their recent updates and we always update our software in order to protect your accounts.

What happens when my Instagram account is temporarily blocked?

Your Instagram account has been put in a temporary block and is unable to perform any actions while the block is in place.

This means that you are unable to perform Auto Like, Auto Follow, Auto Unfollow, Auto DM, Auto Comment or Auto Repost actions.

Does this mean that my account is going to get banned?

Our research shows that temporary blocks do not lead to accounts getting banned.

You may see a notification from Instagram stating “This action is blocked” when you try to perform an action, for example, like or follow.

How long does the temporary block on Instagram last for?

Usually, your account gets blocked from performing any activity for 24-48 hours.

You can login to your Instagram account using a browser and/or a mobile device and perform an action(i.e. Liking a post) in order to find the exact date & time when your account is going to be unblocked.

Is there a limit of how many times I can get blocked before I get banned?

You can get blocked many times and this will not impact your account on Instagram although we do not advise getting blocked consistently.

Screenshot below:

Image result for blocking instagram

How do I know if my Instagram account is temporarily blocked?

You will start receiving error messages for all actions performed by our software which will indicate an issue with the account.

We would kindly ask you to login to your Instagram account through a browser and/or a mobile device and perform an action (i.e. liking a post or following an account) to check if there will be any messages popping up.

An error message may pop up which indicates that your account is temporarily blocked from performing any action up until a specific period of time.

We highly recommend not performing any actions at all up until after the mentioned period.

Is there any way to prevent my account from getting temporarily blocked by Instagram?

  1. Once you indicate that there is an issue with a module – pause all activity for 24-48 hours.
  2. Change your account proxy server to either another one available (paid plans only) or a custom one. (You can read more about custom proxies here)
  3. When you wish to get back to using our service with your Instagram account, ensure to use a slow rate in order to avoid any further issues.
  4. Hold off on sending any Direct Messages to other users for further 24-48 hours.
  5. Link your Instagram account to oter social media accounts. It is very important to have a direct link to as many other social network account as possible (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and etc.). We recommend linking at a minimum of 3 accounts. If you do not have these accounts, create new ones and connect them.
  6. It is highly recommended to verify your phone number and e-mail address with your Instagram account.
  7. Do not use more than one bot. Our software is optimised to stay under the raidar of Instagrams detection algorithm although if you use more than one software you will exceed this limit. We also suggest not to sign into your Instagram account if an of the modules are running in order to prevent unusual activity within your account.
  8. Add in as much information on your account as possible. Adding in personal details such as name, website, description, email, phone, gender and bio helps to prevent your account looking like a SPAM account.
  9. Keep adding posts! We can’t stress this enough, keep posting new content every with your own captions/first comments in order to prevent Instagram from temporarily blockcing your account.